
Trying to prove the existence of god is like 6 blind men touching parts of an elephant.

The first touched the body and thought it was a wall.
The second touched the tusk and thought it was a spear.
The third touched the trunk and thought it was a snake.
The fourth touched the knee and thought it was a tree.
The fifth touched the ear and thought it was a fan.
The sixth touched the tail and thought it was a rope.

Moral of the story:

Religious dogma teaches that their version of truth is everything they know about god. True spirituality teaches us that the experience of god is personal and unique for everyone – even if we don’t get the whole picture.

The story doesn’t end here…

The elephant went back to his buddies and decided to test the existence of humans.

6 of them went together.

The first touched the human and thought it was a pancake.
The second touched another human and also thought it was a pancake.
The third touched another and proclaimed that it was a pancake.
The fourth touched yet another and agreed that it was a pancake.
The fifth touched one more and also agreed it was a pancake.
The last one was skeptical but finally agreed with the rest that humans are all pancakes!

Moral of the story:

Just because you have seemingly conclusive proof with everyone who god is – it doesn’t mean you are right either. For all you know, your testing instruments to measure god are all messed up!

